
Sea Shepherd website auf Deutsch!

Friday, 17 Dec, 2010

Sea Shepherd website auf Deutsch!

auf Deutsch

German flagThanks to the effort of a small but highly effective group of volunteers, we are thrilled to offer a German language website to our supporters that is a nearly complete replica of our international site!

For decades, there has been a small but dedicated base of support for Sea Shepherd in Germany.  In 1994, after the Whales Forever campaign to Norway, we toured the German coastal cities of Kiel, Hamburg, and Bremerhaven, receiving spectacular support and making great friends.  In 1997, we came back with the Sea Shepherd III (later renamed the Ocean Warrior and then the Farley Mowat) and found the same passion and enthusiasm for our uncompromising activities.

In the mid-nineties, Sea Shepherd partnered with a German company in an effort to provide a non-lethal, cruelty-free alternative to Canada’s wanton slaughter of hundreds of thousands of baby harp seals each year.  Sea Shepherd crewmembers collected the hair fibers of molting seal pups so that bedding company could utilize the hollow seal hairs in insulated products such as quilts and pillows.

Volunteers in Germany rallied again in 1998, when the ruptured freighter Pallas caught fire, ran aground, and heavy oil flowed from the ship’s tanks into the North Sea. While the authorities debated and pondered, the Sea Shepherd volunteers in Germany immediately responded to the first news of the disaster. The efforts of hundreds of volunteers from both Sea Shepherd and the Föhr animal protection group resulted in great success: Thousands of birds were rescued and cleaned, transported in large cushioned boxes, tagged and set free, far from the oiled waters.

We want to take this opportunity to thank all the people in Germany who have volunteered over the years to help Sea Shepherd’s mission. We have been fortunate to have many people help with education and outreach, fundraising, administration, crewing, and more.

While it is important to acknowledge our history, Sea Shepherd now plans to strategically expand our presence in Germany, and this website will serve a major role in doing so.  This site will allow us to reach a wide variety of people.  If you are reading this and you speak German, you now have access to information and updates, detailed campaign and organizational history, as well as tools to purchase Sea Shepherd products in our online store and make donations to our German bank account.  You also now have the opportunity to become an active part of the solution rather than a spectator to the problem, and with that in mind we hope that you will share this website through your e-mail, links on your websites, Facebook, MySpace, Wer-Kennt-Wen, and other social networks so that we can educate the public and get people involved.

We welcome you to an informative and engaging collection of information in the German language, and hope you will join us in our efforts to defend, conserve, and protect marine life around the world.

Vielen Dank!

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