
Spay and Neutering Project on Isabela a Success

Thursday, 10 Jun, 2004

Report from the Sea Shepherd ship Farley Mowat
The Galapagos National Park Marine Reserve

The Farley Mowat and her crew are currently patrolling the Galapagos National Park Marine Reserve. The ship is not revealing her position during this time.

On June 9, the crew of the Farley Mowat spotted a tuna seiner running without navigation lights. The vessel had no business being in the Reserve and fled at 17 knots out of the area.

Today is a good day to report on the success of the Animal Balance project, Emma Clifford and her dedicated band of volunteer veterinarians and assistants on Isabela Island.

In May, the Farley Mowat delivered a cargo of equipment to Emma and the Animal Balance people for a project to spay and neuter dogs and cats.

Sea Shepherd provided volunteer crew to assist in unloading the supplies and helping with the project.

During the four week campaign, Animal Balance succeeded in spaying and neutering 61% of the cats and 78% of the dogs on the island.

This is a major contribution to animal population control on Isabela Island, and Emma Clifford and her crew are to be commended for the tremendous effort they put into making this project a success.

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