
Sydney welcomes the Sam Simon

Wednesday, 04 Sep, 2013


The Sam Simon at Circuar Quay with the Sydney Opera House in backgroundThe Sam Simon at Circuar Quay with the Sydney Opera House in background 
photo: Sea Shepherd Australia/Tim Watters
For the very first time last weekend, Sea Shepherd’s newest ship, the M/V Sam Simon – honouring her namesake Sam Simon, producer of the television show The Simpsons - was welcomed into Sydney. Sporting a new paint-job and operated by a crew of approximately 30 volunteers, the ship arrived at Circular Quay overseas passenger terminal on Friday evening to the cheers of Sea Shepherd Sydney’s on-shore volunteers and supporters.

Mother nature was smiling down with absolutely picture-perfect weather all weekend.  The Sam Simon received an unprecedented amount of visitors who took time out from their busy schedules to visit the ship, chat to the crew and see what life is like on board this fully operational ocean conservation vessel.

We’d like to extend a huge thank you to the people of Sydney for once again throwing their full support behind Sea Shepherd. Time and time again you have proven yourselves to be a city of ocean-lovers who understand the importance of defending our whales and our oceans.

We would also like to extend a big thank you to the Hon Marie Ficarra M.P. (Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier) and Councillor Vincent Deluca (Warringah Council), whose persistent efforts and tenacity have made it possible for our ships to continue to visit in the Port of Sydney.

From the bottom of our hearts and the bottom of the oceans, THANK YOU SYDNEY!

“Over the years Sea Shepherd has received a heroes welcome time and time again coming into Sydney harbour. This has enabled Sea Shepherd to raise the necessary funds to defend the same whales that migrate past the beautiful NSW coastline.

Without a doubt, this would not be possible without the Hon. Marie Ficarra M.P, and Marie should take pride in knowing that the whales saved every year are due to her amazing support. I have always enjoyed meeting Marie, who's passion for life, goes hand in hand with Sea Shepherd's passion for defending our wondrous oceans. Thank you Marie, for being part of the Whales Navy!”, said Jeff Hansen, Australian Director, Sea Shepherd Australia.

Crowds gathering for the free public tours at Circular QuayCrowds gathering for the free public tours at Circular Quay
photo: Sea Shepherd Australia/Tim Watters

NSW MLC Marie Ficarra visits the Sam Simon, with Sea Shepherd Australia Director, Michelle Mossfield, Development Director, Aaron Barnes and Ship Manager, James BrooksNSW MLC Marie Ficarra visits the Sam Simon, with Sea Shepherd Australia Director, Michelle Mossfield, Development Director, Aaron Barnes and Ship Manager, James Brooks
photo: Sea Shepherd Australia/Tim Watters

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