
The Brigitte Bardot Arrives in Williamstown

Tuesday, 01 May, 2012

The Brigitte Bardot Arrives in Williamstown

Photo: Simon AgerCaptain Luis Pinho and his crew arrived in Williamstown, Victoria  safely after a four day voyage from Fremantle, Western Australia where the Brigitte Bardot had undergone three months of repairs.

The Brigitte Bardot had suffered a broken pontoon from a rogue wave during a storm in the Southern Ocean and had to be escorted back 1500 miles to Fremantle by the Steve Irwin. It was a setback that removed our fast scout and interceptor vessel from Operation Divine Wind.  The Sea Shepherd campaign resulted in the Japanese whaling fleet taking only 26% of their planned kills as compared to 17% the year before when the Brigitte Bardot then named the Gojira had effectively hunted down and found the outlaw whale factory ship Nisshin Maru.

Captain Watson has taken measures to ensure there will not be a repeat of losing our scout ship and there will be two fast scout vessels for the next campaign to the Southern Ocean along with the ships Bob Barker and Steve Irwin.

The Brigitte Bardot is now moored at Seawerks Dock in Williamstown along with the Steve Irwin. The Bob Barker is in Hobart and will move to Sydney in June.

The Brigitte Bardot will depart in mid-June to the South Pacific to undertake a campaign against shark finning.

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society plans to depart for Antarctica in December with a four ship fleet.

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