
The Farley Mowat Departs From Fernando de Noronha

Thursday, 16 Sep, 2004

After 10 days of working with the rangers on the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, the Farley Mowat departed the islands the evening of September 15th bound for Natal on the Brazilian mainland.  The archipelago of Fernando de Noronha lies 200 miles east of Natal and is a beautiful collection of volcanic islands that somewhat resembles the Galapagos.

Representatives of Instituto Sea Shepherd Brazil spent time consulting with park rangers to monitor fishing practices.  The Farley Mowat did a patrol around the island to check on fishing operations and to search for illegal fishing activities.

In Natal, the Farley Mowat will drop off some Brazilian crew members before heading along the Brazilian coast in search of illegal fishing activities.

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