
The Passing of a Pioneer of Compassion - Peter Klaus Lust

Monday, 31 Oct, 2005

Peter Klaus Lust,  1911-2005

By Captain Paul Watson

One of the very early pioneers in the campaign to save the seals in Canada passed away on October 28th at the age of 94.

Peter Klaus Lust was the author of "The Last Seal Pup" published by Harvest House in 1967. It was the very first book to expose the cruelties of the annual Canadian slaughter of baby seals.

I first met Peter in the early seventies in Montreal and he gave me a copy of his book. I cited it often during the two Greenpeace campaigns that I led to the Labrador Front in 1976 and 1977. I also made reference to his book in writing my own book "Seal Wars."

The history of opposition to the Canadian seal slaughter has been long, complex, and diverse. The campaigns have involved thousands of dedicated people and hundreds of organizations leaving their mark in tens of thousands of different ways. But there was a foundation for this on-going campaign and Peter Lust helped greatly in setting that foundation. Peter was also one of the first to bring this issue before the European public and especially the German public. 

All of us at Sea Shepherd Conservation Society greatly mourn the passing of this wonderful and compassionate man. It was my great privilege to have met him and to have had his guidance during my own early years as a campaigner for the seals. Our sincere condolences to his family.

Peter's family invites you to sign the book of condolences at

Peter Klaus Lust war ein Pionier des Mitgefūhls  und des Naturbewusstseins, der durch sein Schreiben dazu beitrug, eine internationale  Bewegung zum Schutz der Babyrobben ins Leben zu rufen. In der langen Geschichte von Kampagnen gegen die Grausamkeit der Robbenjagd wird Peters Name fűr immer in Erinnerung bleiben.

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