
Two Good Reasons to Read OUTSIDE Magazine This Month

Friday, 16 Sep, 2005

The October edition of Outside magazine is on newsstands as of September 12, 2005. It has a cover story entitled "13 Nightmares - True Stories of Misery, Bad Luck, Suffering, and Terror in the Wild."

On page 110, there is an account from Captain Paul Watson under the title, My Darkest Hour.

It is the story of the day in March 1995 when the Sea Shepherd crew including Captain Watson and Martin Sheen were attacked by drunken sealers.

"In 1995, I was in the Magdalen Islands introducing a nonlethal form of sealing brushing the molted hair off baby seals. A mob of drunken sealers charged our hotel, smashing our room's door with an ax. I stungunned a few but I was getting punched and kicked and slammed against a window. Finally, the police hauled me out through the sealers, who were stabbing me with car keys, and tossed me into a cruiser. Then a brick came through the window and nailed me in the head."

The other good reason to pick up Outside magazine is for the feature article on Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia, a company that talks and walks green and supports hundreds of environmental groups including Sea Shepherd.

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