
UK Band Architects support Sea Shepherd on Australian tour

Monday, 15 May, 2017

Brighton-based metalcore band, Architects, have just completed their Australian tour with sold out shows across the country, supporting Sea Shepherd with stalls at gigs as well as touring the MV Steve Irwin and Ocean Warrior.

Crew and on-shore team were able to catch up with the guys and brief them on the latest campaigns. Support from acts like Architects mean alot to the organisation. The merchandise stalls at shows help fund global campaigns as well as provide important outreach. The camaraderie, developed over many years, was on display as they were welcomed on board as part of the crew. That sort of personal backing for people in the front line defence of our oceans helps boost the spirits of all of us at Sea Shepherd. 

Lead singer of Architects Sam Carter representing Sea Shepherd at gig in Melbourne. Photo by Ed Mason

"With an incredibly hectic touring schedule this year it was an absolute pleasure to spend time with Sam and the Architects on board the Steve Irwin during their stop in Melbourne. They have a huge platform on which to spread our message and a dedicated fan following that are fast becoming ambassadors for the oceans in their own right. We owe the guys a huge thank you for giving us the perfect opportunity to eat cake, drink coffee and share stories from the front line," said Lex Rigby, the MV Steve Irwin's ship manager.

Sam Carter, lead singer of Architects and Sea Shepherd Ambassador spoke of the relationship with us, "We've been avid Sea shepherd supporters since finding out about the incredible work they do many years ago. Now to be able to have them all as friends and hang out on the boats whenever we're in town is amazing! They're real life super heroes and I'm in awe of how incredibly hard they all work"

Sea Shepherd Australia’s Managing Director, Jeff Hansen, showed the band around our newest ship, the Ocean Warrior in Fremantle, “I had never met the lads from the Architects until today and could tell right away they have been on board and entrenched in Sea Shepherd’s work on the frontline for many years. I hope that they go away from their tours of the Ocean Warrior and Steve Irwin with an empowerment and knowledge that each Sea Shepherd victory for the oceans is as much theirs as our crews on the frontline. We look forward to many more victories together for the oceans with the Architects and Sea Shepherd.”

Architects perform in Melbourne. Photo by Ed Mason
Members of band take a trip on one of the small boats during tour of MV Steve Irwin. Photo by Ed Mason
Members of Architects visit the Ocean Warrior. Photo by Sea Shepherd Global.
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