
Urgent - Stop the Shark Cull by Making a Submission to the EPA Today!

Friday, 14 Feb, 2014

We must make our voices heard by February 20th!

The Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has referred the Shark Cull 'policy', with a consultation period from 12th February 2014 to 20th February 2014, this means we have just 6 days for our voices to be heard for thesharks and precious marine life.

We are calling on all our supporters not only in Australia but all over the world, to let the EPA know that this policy is completely environmentally unacceptable.

Tiger Shark struggling, caught on hook under waterTiger Shark struggling, caught on hook under water 
photo: Sea Shepherd / Animal AmnestyThe more submissions the EPA receives, the greater the chance of stopping the shark cull in its tracks. This public comment period enables the EPA a rough gauge as to what the community is feeling so they can determine an appropriate level of assessment.

Getting support for this will have more of direct impact on stopping the cull than almost any other thing we could be putting our efforts into over the next 6 days.

We also need to get as many shark experts, scientists, researches and marine biologist to also put in their own individual submissions too.

So please ask your friends and their friends to make a submission here:

EPA Shark Drum Line Deployment Online Survey

Click "Online Survey" and for question 5, recommend selecting "API Category B (environmentally unacceptable)"

For any background reading or some key points to make in your entry please see this post by Jessica Meeuwig, Professor & Director, Centre for Marine Futures at University of Western Australia:

Explainer: Sharks - Why size and species matter 

or recent news or editorial posts made on the Sea Shepherd Australia website.

Our oceans give us up to 80% of our oxygen, they are our life support, and sharks maintain the health of our oceans, removing the sick and the weak, they maintain the ecological balance, they are the doctors of our oceans.

How would we feel if all the doctors on land disappeared? Well, we as a species will be in big trouble if we loose the doctors of the oceans.

Sharks that maintain humanities life support systems are in big trouble globally and what exists off the WA coast is rare and unique and is of global significance and importance and must be protected.

On behalf of our sharks that play a vital role in maintaining the balance of our precious marine ecosystems, and future generations, thank you for making a submission on the EPA online survey.

We want more of this:

Tiger Shark swimming free, you can help keep them this way.  photo: Albert Kok Here is an example of how divers spend thousands of dollars for the amazing and beautiful experience of diving with these magnificent Tiger sharks, this is a group called "Operation Blue Pride with Sir Richard Branson" photo: Operation Blue Pride

and none of this:

Tiger Shark being shot in the head photo: Sea Shepherd/ Animal Amnesty Tiger shark hangs from boat Photo: Sea Shepherd/Animal Amnesty


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