
Victory for the Whales in the Bight - BP Decides Not to Proceed with Great Australian Bight Exploration

Tuesday, 11 Oct, 2016


Southern Right Whales at the Head of Bight. This important nursery was under threat by BP's plans to drill for oil, now it is safe after an amazing community effort to protect this unique marine ecosystem.Southern Right Whales at the Head of Bight. This important nursery was under threat by BP's plans to drill for oil, now it is safe after an amazing community effort to protect this unique marine ecosystem.Today is a very joyous day for the whales, sharks, seals, dolphins, penguins and other incredible marine life that call the Great Australian Bight home, not to mention the communities we have met on Operation Jeedara who hold the Bight so precious to their hearts from a perspective of their livelihoods, way of life, and simply a love of the natural world.

One of the world’s most significant southern right whale nurseries is safe and all of our supporters, donors, volunteers and small staff team should feel very proud of this lasting legacy in preserving what is one of the last great remote wilderness areas left on the planet. I have been lucky enough to visit the Galapagos, and the Great Australian Bight is Australia's Galapagos. The offshore islands like the Pearson Island Group, St Francis Isles, Bunda cliffs and Head of Bight, not to mention the remarkable Kangaroo Island -- this is wilderness and it’s as good as it gets.

I encourage all Australians to journey down to the Head of Bight when the whales are there with their calves and breathe a sigh of relief with pride that these whales and their nursery is safe. This is what the true spirit of Australia is all about and we should all be proud!

It’s been an honour and a privilege for Sea Shepherd working on this fight as part of the Great Australian Bight Alliance, along with Peter Owen, Bob Brown and Mirning elder and whale song man Bunna Lawrie.

I know that Operation Jeedara, in sending the Steve Irwin, has played a critical role in delivering this victory for the Great Australian Bight. 

Jeff Hansen
Managing Director
Sea Shepherd Australia
Operation Jeedara Campaign Leader

The crew of the Steve Irwin for Operation JeedaraThe crew of the Steve Irwin for Operation Jeedara

Operation Jeedara

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