
Victory in the Galapagos - Longlining in the Galapagos is Banned

Wednesday, 28 Dec, 2005

Efforts by fishermen and politicians to legalize longlining in the Galapagos has failed.

The government of Ecuador has ruled that longlining for sharks and other fish will not be allowed inside the Galapagos National Park Marine Reserve.

Longlining would have been a disaster for marine wildlife in the National Park.

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society strongly applauds Ecuador's decision to protect and conserve the Marine Reserve from further destruction from commercial fishing operations.

The Sea Shepherd patrol vessel Sirenian has been seizing illegal longlines in the Marine reserve for the last five years.

This is a major victory for conservation.

Read more about the devastating effects of longlining and help support Sea Shepherd in our efforts to end this destructive practice.

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