
Whale Wars Wins Television Academy Award for Television with a Conscience

Tuesday, 05 May, 2009

On Thursday April 30th, Sea Shepherd Founder and Executive Director Captain Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd Director of  Shark Conservation Kim McCoy attended the 2nd Annual Award Ceremony hosted by the Academy of Television Arts and Science.

The event was a red carpet affair held at the Beverly Hills Hotel to honor television programs that have made a valuable contribution to society.

Hosted by Dana Delaney of Desperate Housewives, the awards were presented to eight television shows considered by the Academy to be "television with a conscience."

"Whale Wars" was one of the eight shows honored along with "30 Days," produced by Morgan Spurlock.

The Award was presented to Animal Planet President Marjorie Kaplan by the legendary actress Tippi Hedren, who starred in the classic Alfred Hitchcock presentation "The Birds."

Academy chairman and CEO John Shaffner said the second annual ceremony highlighted TV's valuable contributions to society in a range of genres, including reality programs.

The Academy graciously provided vegan meals for Captain Watson and Kim McCoy.

"It is an honor for us to be a part of a program that is raising global awareness of the illegal killing of whales on the high seas," said Captain Watson. "Many of the Academy members told me that Whale Wars has a very good chance of winning an Emmy in September."

Season Two of Whale Wars begins on June 5th in the United States. Season One is presently airing in Latin America, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, and will air soon across the rest of Europe starting May 9 on Animal Planet.

Marjorie Kaplan and Captain Paul Watson on the Red Carpet
Marjorie Kaplan and Captain Paul Watson on the 
Red Carpet at the TV Academy Honors 
Marjorie Kaplan, Captain Watson, Tippi Hendron and Kim McCoy
Marjorie Kaplan, Captain Watson, Tippi Hedren 
and Kim McCoy after the Awards ceremony
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