
Whalers Violently Defend Their Illegal Whaling Operations

Monday, 02 Feb, 2009

Whalers Violently Defend Their Illegal Whaling Operations

flag_japan_tinyJapanese translation

A crewmember from the Steve Irwin was slightly injured after being struck by a high pressure water cannon fired from the Japanese whaling factory ship Nisshin Maru. One of the cameramen on one of the Steve Irwin's inflatable boats was cut and bruised above the eye when a high pressure blast of water knocked him off his feet while he was filming.

A second crew member was also injured in the confrontation with the whalers. Laurens De Groot of the Netherlands was slightly injured when struck in the face by a metal ball thrown by whalers. Whalers onboard the Yushin Maru #3 threw solid brass and lead balls at crewmembers on one of the Steve Irwin's inflatable boats.

The Sea Shepherd crew also discovered that the Japanese whaling fleet is deploying a new weapon in defence of their illegal whaling activities.

The factory ship the Nisshin Maru and the two harpoon vessels in the fleet are equipped with Long Range Acoustical Devices (LRAD). This is a military grade weapon system that sends out mid to high frequency sound waves designed to disorient and possibly incapacitate personnel. It is basically an anti-personnel weapons system.

The Steve Irwin has been chasing the Japanese whaling fleet for twenty-four hours at high speed through scattered ice fields and changing weather conditions for over three hundred miles westward across the top of the Ross Sea.

At 0500 Hours (Sydney Time) the Steve Irwin deployed two fast inflatable boats and a helicopter to harass the fleet and to hurry them along. Sea Shepherd's strategy is to keep the whaling fleet on the move. If they are running they are not killing whales and no whales have been killed during the last 24 hours. In fact the Steve Irwin crew were excited to see Fin whales swimming alongside the ship as they pursued the whaling fleet. 

The Japanese harpoon vessels have been maneuvering very close to the Steve Irwin to intimidate and to try and lead the Sea Shepherd ship away from the Nisshin Maru. The confrontation that began in clear weather in dense ice and heavy swells became increasing treacherous as fog and blizzard conditions moved in around 0900 Hours.

The Steve Irwin crew retreated when within range of the acoustic weapons.

"All we need to do is to keep them running and to keep them from whaling and that is exactly what we are doing. It is proving to be a very successful day," said Captain Paul Watson.

Weather conditions are becoming increasing worse with heavy snow, fog, increasing swells and denser ice conditions.


Sea Shepherd crew in a Zodiac inflatable boat race alongside 
Japanese harpoon whaling vessel the Yushin Maru No. 1 
(Photo by Adam Lau/Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)


Sea Shepherd crew pursue Japanese factory whaling ship, the Nisshin Maru
(Photo by Stephen Roest/Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)


Captain Paul Watson watches from the bridge of the Steve Irwin
as it pursues Japanese factory whaling ship the Nisshin Maru.
(Photo by Adam Lau/Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)



捕鯨船団 暴力的に違法捕鯨活動を防御



工船日進丸と二隻のハプーン船は「長距離聴覚装置(Long Range Acoustical Devices;LRAD)」を装備している。これは中~高周波数の音響を放つ軍用機器であり人間の方向感覚を狂わせ、時には健康に害を与える。地上兵士殺傷用の武器である。








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