
Will You Pledge $9.00 to Save a Whale?

Friday, 16 Nov, 2012

Will You Pledge $9.00 to Save a Whale?

SSS Steve Irwin and SSS Brigitte Bardot at seaSSS Steve Irwin and SSS Brigitte Bardot at sea
Photo: Billy Danger/Sea ShepherdIn honor of Sea Shepherd’s Ninth Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign, we are issuing a special fundraising challenge for one week beginning Monday, Nov. 19th. We are calling upon our supporters worldwide — whether you are new to Sea Shepherd or have been supporting for years — to donate just $9 toward the Operation Zero Tolerancecampaign. If each of you who believe in our work and our critical mission would donate just $9, I know we will easily reach our $2 million goal. Why not make that pledge? No other marine conservation group puts their bodies and their equipment on the line, between the whalers and the great whales, to save lives. If you wish to give more, consider giving in multiples of 9 such as $99 or $999. Whatever amount you choose, please give what you can so we can defend the whales that inhabit the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary and bring them the peace they so rightly deserve.

This could be the first year the whalers get zero kills, but we need your help to pull it off! Operation Zero Tolerance is not yet fully funded, and if we don't raise the necessary donations to see us through the next three months that make up this campaign, we may be forced to retreat earlier than planned — allowing the whalers to poach whales at will.

Once you give, you can watch your donation in action, as illustrated by the silhouette of our flagship, Steve Irwin, ‘filling up’ as we climb toward our fundraising goal. Please support Sea Shepherd’s vital work and send a strong message that you have Zero Tolerance for killing whales in an established whale sanctuary!

Together we will be there to defend, conserve and protect the great whales! Join us!


Captain Paul Watson

Zero Tolerance

Visit our 
Zero Tolerance
site for more information about our
2012-2013 Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign

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