
World Renowned Scientist Dr. Louise Leakey Voices her Support for Sea Shepherd

Saturday, 11 May, 2013

World Renowned Scientist Dr. Louise Leakey Voices her Support for Sea Shepherd


Dr. Louise LeakeyDr. Louise Leakey
Photo: Sea ShepherdLeading Paleontologist Dr. Louise Leakey, and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Board of Advisors member, is speaking out about her increasing concern for the dire state of the oceans and marine wildlife. Along with Sea Shepherd’s founder Captain Paul Watson and other esteemed members of the science community, Dr. Leakey believes that species are deeply interconnected and rely on the existence of healthy whale populations, and once they are damaged, all human and animal kind will be in trouble. “Humans are exploiting the oceans well beyond our means and we will see the end of species across the board purely as a result of human neglect. Unless we can ensure the longtime survival of species within our oceans, we are going to find ourselves in a great deal of trouble,” Dr. Leakey said.

Dr. Leakey joined Sea Shepherd in 2006 to lend her scientific expertise towards abating the growing public disconnect to the natural world, but has recently become more vocal about expressing her views in the face of the relentless assault upon our oceans. Dr. Leakey refers to Sea Shepherd as a group of “very dedicated people going out of their way to bring world attention to the plight of the oceans.” As a native of Kenya and active member of the historic Leakey paleontology family from East Africa, Dr. Leakey has seen first-hand the devastating effects of wildlife poaching even in the designated international sanctuaries. “It is absolutely imperative that we don’t just rely on governments to actually stand up (for the sanctuaries) — they’re not doing a good job of this. If the sanctuaries aren’t defended by the nations that create them, we need Sea Shepherds out there to say, ‘No!’…we need custodians for nature.”

Dr. Leakey is the first of several of Sea Shepherd’s science advisors to be profiled in a series of videos and statements featuring scientists in support of the organization’s efforts to defend and protect marine wildlife, including whales, dolphins and sharks. Aside from her involvement with Sea Shepherd, Dr. Leakey currently heads the Koobi Fora Research Project, the main program behind some of the most notable hominid fossil discoveries of the past two decades.

Sea Shepherd’s Board of Advisors includes Dr. Leakey’s peers from within the scientific community such as respected fisheries scientist Dr. Sidney Holt, primatologist Birute Galdikas and ecological scientist Dr. Deborah Brosnan. The Board also boasts a list of Hollywood’s environmental heavy hitters such as Pierce Brosnan, Martin Sheen, Sam Simon and John Paul DeJoria.

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