
Young conservationist kicking off seven-month Australian school tour to find hundreds of new environmental change ‘champions’

Wednesday, 10 Jul, 2013


Nicole McLachlanNicole McLachlan
photo: Champions for ChangeJune saw young conservationist, Nicole McLachlan, Taiji Cove Guardian veteran, embark on a seven-month tour of Australia’s coastline in an attempt to inspire and educate primary, high school and university aged students to be ‘Champions for Change.’ Sea Shepherd Australia is proud to announce our partnership with Nicole and the youth campaign over 2013.

Nicole, in her early 20s, will travel from June to December, visiting schools, universities and events in almost every state, outlining her vision for a more sustainable future for ocean wildlife, sharing some of her own experiences on the ‘front lines’ of marine conservation with Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and encouraging school students that are passionate about environmental conservation to ‘champion’ a local environmental initiative of their own. In addition, Nicole aims to raise funds and awareness for Sea Shepherd Australia along her journey around the country.

‘Sunsuper’s Champions for Change’ is a project established to empower a new generation, with a program that will help students to make more responsible choices within their local community. Nicole has teamed up with young change-maker, Nicole Gibson, who’ll be tackling social issues amongst Australia’s youth throughout the tour. Combined, the girls will present to over 250 schools and events nation-wide.

Nicole has travelled internationally engaging youth in marine conservation, spending over seven months on three Operation Infinite Patience campaigns in Tajii, Japan, three years spending time as a marine specialist and tour guide on Lady Elliot Island on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef as well as filming and conservation work in the South Pacific and Micronesia.

Her presentation and optional interactive workshop for interested students is designed to facilitate youth with a passion for the environment and to make students feel empowered to make changes within their own school and community. Students that choose to participate in the project are offered free ongoing mentorship with ‘the Nicoles’ to achieve the goals that they set for themselves and their small team of peers, as well as an opportunity to win a $5,000 grant at the end of 2013, to implement a local project thanks to the campaign’s major sponsor, Sunsuper.

“We want to not only educate students, but to encourage them to follow their own passion and to feel empowered to create changes themselves. With the help of ongoing support and mentorship, hundreds of young ‘champions for change’ potentially means hundreds of conservation projects benefiting the environment nation-wide. It’s exciting to think about what can be achieved!” says McLachlan.

Would you like Nicole to visit a school or event in your area? Find out more about the campaign on Facebook or email Nicole McLachlan at:

Facebook URL:

The Sea Shepherd Australia donated touring vanThe Sea Shepherd Australia donated touring van
photo: Champions for Change

Nicole talking to Pottsville Beach Public schoolNicole talking to Pottsville Beach Public school
photo: Champions for Change

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