The same way your estate can be shared between your loved ones, it can be shared with organisations. Your gift to Sea Shepherd Australia can be a fixed percentage or proportion of your entire estate. You don’t need to specify the exact amount – if you are unsure of the value of your estate in the future, a percentage or proportion may be the best option. It can be a percentage of your whole estate or of the residue (Residual gift).
Sea Shepherd Australia
Leave a Gift in your Will
It’s simple to include a gift in your Will. All your solicitor needs is our ABN 38 123 339 499 and our registered name: Sea Shepherd Australia Limited. Leaving a gift in your Will, no matter how large or small, is a powerful way to protect the health of our ocean far beyond your lifetime. Even a gift of 1% of your estate to Sea Shepherd Australia will protect the ocean for future generations and ensure your loved ones are still provided for.

After you’ve taken care of your loved ones, you may also wish to leave a gift for Sea Shepherd Australia in your Will.
A gift in your Will for Sea Shepherd Australia is one of the most powerful ways you can support our work protecting, conserving, and defending our ocean. Your incredible gift will reflect the passion you have for our ocean and your desire to protect it for future generations.

When considering Sea Shepherd Australia in your Will, it’s important to reflect your personal choices and not cause yourself any pressure or worry. All gifts are important to us. Your bequest to Sea Shepherd Australia will be received as an indication of your passion and commitment for our ocean.
The process is easy. You can include a bequest when making your Will or add one to your existing Will. You should seek legal advice to ensure your choices are properly reflected either way.
What type of gift would you like to leave?
This is a gift of what is left in your Estate after you have taken care of your loved ones. A residual estate is the remainder of your estate after specific gifts and requests have been made and all estate claims have been satisfied.
You can bequest an asset (examples include residential or commercial property, jewellery, artwork, stocks, or shares) to Sea Shepherd Australia or you can include us as a beneficiary in your Life Insurance Policy.
If you are confident of the value of your future estate, you may decide to nominate a specific cash value to gift to Sea Shepherd Australia. For money to keep its value over the years, you can ask your solicitor to index-link it.
"I give, devise, and bequeath to Sea Shepherd Australia Limited (ACN 123 339 499), for the benefit of Sea Shepherd Australia Limited and its general purpose, the following from my estate: The residue of my estate free of all duties and taxes payable, and I declare that the receipt of its Chief Executive, Treasurer or other authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.
The sum of $. . . free of all duties and taxes payable, and I declare that the receipt of its Chief Executive, Treasurer or other authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.
The . . . percentage of my estate free of all duties and taxes payable, and I declare that the receipt of its Chief Executive, Treasurer or other authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executors."
Legal name: Sea Shepherd Australia Limited
Registered address: 2 Ann Street, Williamstown, Victoria 3016.
Australia Business Number (ABN): 38 123 339 499.
Australian Charities Number (ACN): 123 339 499

Create your legally valid Will in as little as 15 minutes. We have partnered with Willed, an online Will writing platform created by lawyers and technology experts that enables you to complete your legally-binding Will in a few simple steps, from the comfort of your own home. Their Will experts are available by phone, email or live chat to assist you. Safe and protected, their secure encryption protects your information and privacy.
A gift in your Will is a wonderful way of supporting the causes you care about without any current expense. For some, the scale of the positive impact they would like to have today is only achievable through a future gift in their Will.
Leaving a bequest in your Will for Sea Shepherd Australia is a meaningful way to support the vital work we do and will create a legacy of kindness that transcends your lifetime.
“It’s so incredibly humbling when such caring, selfless, kind and passionate souls, entrust us with their legacy of defending, conserving and protecting the ocean, long after they have left this earth.
Sea Shepherd always has and always will measure our success by the number of poachers shut down or lives saved and these selfless last gifts only strengthen our resolve to be one of the most effective marine conservation movements in the world, to deliver tangible results in the name of these inspiring people.”
- Jeff Hansen, Managing Director, Sea Shepherd Australia

We appreciate that your Will is a very personal matter. Your privacy will be fully respected, and any information you provide us will remain confidential. If you would like any further information or to have a confidential chat about leaving a gift in your Will, please contact our Gift in Wills team:
Kristie Newton
Fundraising and Partnerships Specialist
0437 404 138
Sea Shepherd Australia Limited
1300 623 267 (1300 OCEANS)

We are incredibly grateful to our Shepherds Forever, who have generously pledged a gift in their Will to support our work.
By leaving a gift in your Will to Sea Shepherd Australia, you will be joining a community of like-minded individuals, like yourself, who are committed to ensuring our ocean is protected, now and in the future. We are truly humbled by the legacy of kindness you have pledged for our ocean.
Frequently Asked Questions
A Will is the only way that you can be assured that everything you own goes to your loved ones and the causes you care about. If you don’t have a Will upon death, you’re said to die intestate, and your assets will be distributed according to a pre-determined formula and maybe not for your family, friends, and the issues you care about as intended.
If you have a current and legal Will, it avoids delays, problems, and extra expense at a challenging time. Making a Will is not expensive but failing to make a Will can be costly.Regardless of age, by having a Will you can ensure adequate planning for the future and give yourself peace of mind that your wishes will be carried out after you pass.
Your Will needs to be carefully written to comply with legal requirements and to ensure your wishes are acted upon. It is advisable to seek assistance from a solicitor or an accredited Wills and estates specialist.
Your Will is a record of your wishes at a particular point in time. It is advisable to regularly review your Will when your circumstances change so that it accurately reflects your current wishes. If your current Will still reflects most of your wishes, and you just want to make some small additions or changes, your solicitor can help you create a codicil (an addition or supplement that explains, modifies, or revokes a Will or part of one). It’s important to consult your solicitor to ensure the original Will is not affected.
To leave money or a bequest to the charity of your choosing in your Will you can either write a new Will or update your existing Will. A solicitor, lawyer or estate planner can assist you. Willed offers a discounted Will writing service to Sea Shepherd supporters.
Gifts in Wills are future donations to charity, the details of which are recorded in your Will. Your future donation can be in the form of shares or property, a specified amount, or for greatest impact the remainder, or a portion of the remainder of your assets. Your gift in Will will be distributed to your chosen charity after you pass.
There are different ways of including a gift to Sea Shepherd Australia in your Will. The type of gift that is right for you will depend on your personal and family circumstances. Your solicitor will be able to help you choose the best option for you.
– Residuary Gift
– Set Amount
– Percentage Gift
– Whole of Estate
– Specific Item
Learn more about the different ways to include a gift in your Will.
Bequests and legacies are gifts of personal property under a Will to a specified person or organisation. A devise is a gift of real estate under a Will. These are all referred to as “gifts” in a Will. Gifts can be a specific sum of money, item of real or personal property, a percentage of the estate assets or a residuary gift after all specific gifts have been made and debts paid. A charitable gift is a gift in a Will for a charitable organisation. Charitable gifts can be directed by a Will maker to be applied to a particular purpose of the charity or towards the general purpose of the charity.
A legacy gift is another way of describing a gift in your Will or charitable bequest. This term is used because by including a gift in your Will to charity, you are leaving a legacy to the protection of our ocean for future generations.
It can be easy to underestimate the overall value of the assets that will eventually form part of your estate. This is particularly true if you own property, which may have increased in value over time. No matter how much or how little you may own, it is still worth getting your Will written to ensure that what you do own goes to where you want it to.
Leaving a gift in your Will to Sea Shepherd Australia, no matter how large or small, is a powerful way to protect the health of our ocean far beyond your lifetime.
Wills aren’t just for older people. A Will is something you should have as soon as you enter into a marriage, buy a house or have children. If you have assets no matter what your age is, it is a great idea to get your affairs in order with a Will.
Most people know they should have a Will but have put off creating or updating theirs because it seems like an intimidating task. Luckily, these days you can create a reputable Will online with a few simple clicks. We recommend using a trustworthy online Will writing website such as Willed. As a valued Sea Shepherd supporter, we are thrilled to offer you a 20% discount.
We are so grateful for any type of donation we receive at whatever time suits you the most. However, gifts in Wills are incredibly powerful in helping us to plan for the future and they are a great way for your support to continue even after you’ve gone.
A gift in your Will is a wonderful way of supporting the causes you care about without any current expense. For some, the scale of the positive impact they would like to have today is only achievable through a future gift in their Will. We’re often not able to give as generously during our lives as we would like to, so leaving a bequest in your Will for Sea Shepherd Australia is a meaningful way to support the vital work we do and will create a legacy of kindness that transcends your lifetime.
This is entirely up to you. However, if you have chosen to support us in this very generous and personal way, we would be delighted to hear from you so we can share our immense gratitude with you and keep you informed about our work protecting our ocean and its precious marine wildlife from illegal exploitation and environmental destruction.
Of course. All your information is strictly confidential. Any information supplied to Sea Shepherd Australia is protected by our Privacy Policy.
A gift for “general purposes” will enable us to use it where it is need most. Our campaigns may change over time, but our mission remains the same, namely the protection of our ocean and its precious marine wildlife. We will use your generous gift wisely, so it has the greatest impact in the protection of our ocean for future generations.
Sea Shepherd Australia is a registered charity which means that no tax is paid on the gift that you leave to us in your Will. Sea Shepherd Australia Limited’s Australian Charities Number is 123339 499.
Have you already included Sea Shepherd Australia in your Will?
If you have already included a gift in your Will for Sea Shepherd Australia, thank you so much!
We would love the opportunity to thank you properly and keep you up to date with our latest news and campaigns.
Connect with us by completing the form below or email or calling our Gifts in Wills team on 1300 623 267 or 0437 404 138