Operation Tuvalu

Operation Tuvalu

Defending Atolls and Reefs in the Heart of the South Pacific

Marine Debris Campaign

Join our fight against ocean pollution

Shark Defence Campaign

Defending, conserving and protecting sharks

Operation Tuvalu

Defending Atolls and Reefs in the South Pacific

Operation Antarctica Defense

Defending the Southern Ocean

Illegal Fishing Campaigns

Partnerships to Protect Africa’s Marine Wildlife

Operation Jeedara

Defending the Great Australian Bight

Operation Kimberley Miinimbi

Defending the Kimberley

Operation Reef Defence

Our Mission to #StopAdani

Operation Living Fjords

Pilot Whale Defense Campaign in the Faroe Islands

Operation Siso

Fighting illegal fishing in the Mediterranean Sea

Operation Pahu

Hector's Dolphin Defence Campaign

Antarctic Whale Defence Campaigns

Our fight to end illegal whaling

Monachus Defense Campaign

Protecting Mediterranean Monk Seals

Baltic Sea Campaign

Defending harbor porpoises in the Baltic Sea

Operation Dolphin Bycatch

Protecting dolphins on France's Atlantic Coast

Operation Driftnet

Shutting Down a Fleet of Illegal Driftnetters

SSAU on Offshore Wind

On offshore wind farm development in Australia.

Operation Icefish 2014/15

Chasing down a notorious poaching fleet

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